A pearl goes up for auction.....the true wisdom of the pearl

I was recently writing in my journal, as I often am, and found myself peeling back some layers of wisdom around value and self worth and what gems and precious metals have to teach us about this. Have you ever read this quote? “A pearl goes up for auction. No one has enough, so the pearl buys itself.” -Rumi For whatever reason this quote has been rattling around in my mind since I first heard it–I think I didn't fully understand what it meant, or perhaps I was overthinking it. But to me it points to the inherent value of...
The Land of the Lost....gnome man's land

We never forget the pieces we’ve lost along the way…for me there are three. The Claddagh ring that slipped off my finger while riding my bike at 7. I rode up and down my street countless times scouring the gutter for a glint of gold, never to find it. The tri-color tourmaline pendant that slipped off my neck at a gem show in my early twenties….I knew it had a faulty clasp, why didn’t I fix it?! (at least, being at the gem show it hopefully ended up in grateful hands). The peridot ring that I made (above!)...
Tips for Buying Gold, on a Budget

In case you didn’t know, gold prices have climbed to historic highs over the last few months and as I’ve restocked items in my collection I’m getting to see that spike firsthand. I’ve had to rework all my prices (and some of the silver ones too as silver has also gone up, to a much lesser degree). It got me thinking about my own approach, I want to give you my best tips on adding gold to your collection when you’re on a budget…. *Skip the chain–Maybe not every pendant needs its own chain, keep a few styles...
Conflicted by diamonds? Here are your best options....

Diamonds! Girl’s best friend or not so much? I’ve been wanting to talk diamonds for a while but it felt like a daunting topic for many reasons so I put it off. With diamonds being April’s birthstone and considering I used a fair amount of them in my most recent Sacred Spaces collection (I am clearly in the natural diamond camp here), I felt like it was time to dive in. First off, I’m no diamond expert (so much to learn!) but I notice that the enigmatic diamond can evoke confusion or strong feelings in some customers about where...
Energy for skeptics

Do crystals really have energy? I thought today I would face a topic I’ve sort of been avoiding. I say sort of because you can see in a lot of my product descriptions that I often casually mention what a stone is known for energetically or metaphysically–but I haven’t really shared too much about my beliefs on this. And when I have a booth set up at an event I will often get asked about the properties of stones. So, shall we? I’ll start by saying that everything in this world is a swirl...